Help us bring home Rose

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Just to update you on the adoption front:

*We are currently waiting to hear back about our match of the two little girls from Haiti. Amy, the agency director is in Haiti right now and we are hoping that when she returns we will have good news from her.
*Our homestudy should be completed soon. -Please pray we will have the money needed to pay this.
*Our dossier is almost complete. We are waiting on a couple things to come in and then we can make photo copies and such. Of course we still have the lovely FDL to wait for as well.


I really dislike having to do fundraisers. But.......we need to.
So, an ongoing one we are doing throughout the adoption is babysitting. We, (by we I mean me) will watch kids anytime for parents to go shopping, have a date, have quiet, or run errands. Donations will be accepted and used only for our adoption fund.
Change for Haiti
coming soon
We will have bottles and jars available for people to fill with loose/spare change and then bring back to us when it's full.

Pizza Ranch
January 17th- come and eat at the Pizza Ranch and our family will receive 10% of that nights profits as well as any tips. That's so easy, right? You gotta eat! And who doesn't like a good pizza buffet????? Ok, well some people might not, Travis doesn't like buffets, but you can't go wrong with pizza!!

We have some more in the works and I will post as soon as they are ready. In the meantime-spread the word about Pizza Ranch****Monday, January 17th******


  1. I have been saving all my change for whoever needed it next. Guess it is meant for you! Praying for your girls and finances.

  2. Love Pizza Ranch, but they don't have any I know of in Louisiana :(

    Praying as you wait to hear more. And never feel bad about fundraising.....It's God's funds and His children :)

  3. I am not a big fan of doing fundraisers either, but God uses them in so many ways: to bless you, your children, and others who get to be apart of your journey. So prayers that a lot of people come out to eat and the blessings pour down!
