Since I turned the big 3-0 this year, I thought I have at least that many things to be thankful for. So here they are:
1. God-who loves me for me and not what I can do or be. Who gave His all to make a way for me to know Him. Who comforts, gives me peace, gives me joy, no matter what my circumstances.
2. my husband-who loves me even when I am not nice or look nice and is a wonderful father.
3. my children, those in my arms and heaven and those not with us yet!!!
4. my parents who encouraged my faith growing up
5. my siblings who gave me great memories growing up.
6. Mica, who constantly encourages me to be a better mother, friend and prayer warrior.
7. Michelle, who shares my heart and obsession for orphans and adoption.
8. Nicole and Derrick-who are great
examples to us in too many ways to count.
9. Nicole H. who is generous All the time.
10. Emily who goes to
Zumba with me and doesn't laugh.
11. my church
12. my house
13. we have a vehicle
14. Dave Ramsey-Yes! we are almost debt free!!!! And we will never go down that road again!!!!
15. ability to feed my children
16. freedom
17. Bible
18. God's Children Adoption Agency
19. blog friends, who encourage me by just being real with their lives, joys and trials.
20. Adoption process- taught us how to really have faith.
21. I have the option of Homeschooling my children and I get to be part of the process of them learning.
22. I am healthy, my children are healthy
23. Travis has a dependable job
24. God has opened my eyes to the hurting people in the world and that we are called to reach out to them, love them, feed them, support them, and through those actions-they will know God
25. worship music-I feel so close to God when singing to Him
26. sweatpants
27. nature and how creative God is
28. hugs
29. ability to hear my children's sweet voices say "I love you, MOM."
30. forgiveness
These are not in order of importance necessarily and obviously this isn't ALL I am thankful for. So I forgot you or something really obvious, please don't be offended, this was a quick list.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!