Help us bring home Rose

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


CAUTION!!!!!IGNORE THE BACKGROUND-LAUNDRY DAY-all you mom's understand, right???

She is growing everyday-at first 2t clothes were too long in the sleeves and now they are just right. She has gained 4 lbs(not sure on height) but her tummy has gone down. She doesn't seem to be stuffing herself as much, so hopefully she is trusting there will be food.

I did her hair in the style I swore I would never do it again. Because........I read on a hair blog that some hair needs weight to encourage the hair to grow and that is why a lot of girls wear braids and beads. So, I thought I might try and do something with it a couple times a week.(Somebody let me know if this isn't enough, I am so new to this whole girl, hair thing-I barely do my own)
And you can see, Sebastian is still not wearing clothes.......

We had a lady make this wall decal for her room. I LOVE the way it turned out.

here's a closer version of the true to how we feel about her(and all of our children). We did get the quote from a t-shirt we saw.


  1. PRECIOUS! I love that sweet quote and precious nursery!!! What a place filled with LOVE!

  2. Wow she is really growing!!!!! can tell. Love the decal :)

  3. Great decal! Love it. As far as hair, I only style Maya's once a week at most unless it is down and loose and then I comb it every day. Braids stay in fo a week or more. Love that as it makes my life way easier and its good for her hair too.

  4. She is gorgeous - LOVE that quote!!!
